Everything To Know About Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Facing Dog): Steps and Benefits 

Downward facing dog pose, also known as Mukha Svanasana, is a yoga pose that benefits our bodies in many ways. This posture resembles that of a dog stretching while yawning. As your body relaxes and experiences a stretch, the upper body lengthens to straighten the core.


This is a beginner-friendly pose, so if you are an amateur in yoga, the downward facing dog pose is relatively easy for you to grasp. Yoga postures like Adho Mukha Svanasana help one open up one’s chest and get rid of stiffness. Your back, shoulders, and tailbone are also involved as you perform this step. The core muscles, as well as the calves, ankles, and hamstrings, are also involved, offering benefits to the entire body.

The downward facing dog pose is a transitional pose performed twice between Surya Namaskar and other yoga postures like Ashtanga, Power Yoga Flows, and Vinyasa. Now, let us share some benefits of posture and how to do a downward facing dog pose.

Comprehending the Concept of Adho Mukha Svanasana

In Sanskrit, the word Mukha translates into face and Svana into a dog; Asana stands for posture and poses. However, in the ancient yoga texts, there is no specific mention of the downward-facing pose. Something similar to this pose has been found in the 18th-century scripture of Haṭhābhyāsapaddhati (Hatha Yoga Manual). You must be aware of the elephant pose or Gajasana.

Today, this yoga posture is widely popular among yoga enthusiasts for many reasons. Whether used for a preparatory yoga pose for lengthening your body or relaxing, the downward facing dog has proven beneficial in several ways. You can even use this posture to transition between two flows of posture.

Health Benefits of Performing Adho Mukha Svanasana

The health benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana are listed below. 

  • It helps in reducing lower back pain. 
  • Aids to improve your body posture. 
  • Creates strength in your core. 
  • Both agility and mobility of the body are enhanced as you practise the downward facing dog pose.
  • This posture helps one to relax one’s heart after an intense yoga session. 
  • One’s respiratory functions improve with regular practice of Adho Mukha Svanasana. 
  • Beneficial in stimulating your cardiac health. 
  • Creates an equilibrium between the heart, throat and solar plexus chakras. 
  • Blood flow to the brain is improved.

When to Avoid Downward Facing Dog: Scenarios And Conditions 

However, the downward facing dog might not be a suitable option for you in case you are facing the following scenarios- 

  • It must be avoided if you have a weak retina. 
  • In case of chronic heart problems, you must avoid this posture. 
  • Patients with inflammatory joints should avoid this posture. 
  • In case of recent surgery, the stitches might still take time to cure, so you should avoid this yoga pose for a while. 
  • Women in their third pregnancy trimester should not practise this yoga for a while. 
  • In case of high blood pressure, migraine and epilepsy, this posture in yoga should be avoided. 
  • Avoid it if you have had a recent injury or are facing chronic pain.

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How To Do Downward-Facing Dog( Adho Mukha Svanasana) Breaking Down The Steps 

If you are unsure how to do downward facing dogs, then let us break down the steps for you.

The session of Adho Mukha Svanasana is divided into a couple of phases. Allow us to help you with the process. 


The Preparatory Pose For Adho Mukha Svanasana 

The downward facing dog posture aims to stretch and strengthen your spine, chest, core and shoulders. Hence, you must activate these areas of your body before you begin. Otherwise, unnecessary stiffness can cause a painful sprain or ache. Before you get started with the primary pose, prepare your body to warm up. 

Here are some yoga poses or asanas you can practise for your warm-up session. 

  • Bitilasana (Cow Pose)- This is a counteract pose to the cat pose and effectively helps activate your lower back. Traps and tailbone areas are also affected. Initially, stay in a tabletop position and work on your spinal cord motion. Round up your spinal cord at a 45-degree angle and breathe while you hold this pose. 
  • Uttana Shishosana (Extended Puppy Pose)- You can consider it a mini downward facing dog pose. This pose is used for effectively opening up your shoulder, chest, upper back and spine. If you are in either of your cat or cow pose, then gently try to sit back from here. Sit on your shins and extend your arms forward. While your upper body gets engaged, it brings your chest towards the ground. 
  • Marjaryasana (Cat Pose)- You can also use this posture to open up your spine, shoulders, core, and tailbone effectively. Initially, attain a tabletop position and then place your hands and shins on the ground. At this point, you can press your hands and knees into the mat and engage your core. Throughout the process, keep breathing to feel relaxed. 

Phase 2- 

Step-by-step instructions to perform downward facing dog pose 

Following are the direct steps to perform as you aim to attain the downward-facing dog posture. 

  • Step 1- First, place yourself in a tabletop position. This way, your hands and knees will be pressed against the mat, and you will continue to breathe in the meantime. 
  • Step 2- Slowly and gently walk away from your shoulder angle. Keep them as wide as the breadth of the mat.
  • Step 3- Now it’s time to press your fingers into the mat, where you engage your thumb and index finger. 
  • Step 4- Continue with deep inhalation as you align your shoulders and hold this state on the mat. Straighten your arms and strengthen your core in the process. 
  • Step 5- As you exhale, this is the perfect moment to curl your toes and lift your glutes to create an inverted V-position. If your hamstrings ache at this point, then you can bend your knees. 
  • Step 6- Press your heels on the mat and bring your triceps and traps towards your ears. Use your palm and shoulder to move the mat away. 
  • Step 7– Once you have attained the entire posture, hold it for up to 5 to 10 breaths. Relax and release by reverting to the tabletop pose. 

Phase- 3

Quick tips- 

You must inhale when your core is involved and exhale when you are ready to lift your legs off the mat and flex in the inverted V-posture. 

For beginners, 30 to 60 seconds is enough for holding this state, but for advanced yoga enthusiasts, 1 to 3 minutes is good enough.


Perform Poses that can help you relax after downward-facing dog yoga

  • Catur Svanasana (Dolphin Pose): Assuming that you are still holding onto the downward-facing dog pose, you can bend your elbows and then place your forearms on the mat. Through this pose, you tone down and minimize the strain on your muscles and also the joints of your elbows and shoulders. Then, give your lower body a flex and relax. 
  • Balasana (Child’s Pose): Balasana (Child’s Pose)You must sit on your heels and your shins first. Make sure that your upper body is leaning forward. At this point, your head is resting on the floor. Hold onto this posture for a few minutes so that all the contracted muscles in the body can relax. 
  • Prasarita Balasana (Extended Child Pose): You must continue this posture from the downward facing dog pose. Here, you need to create a wide space between both your legs in the half-folded state. Sit on your glutes and rest your head, core and chest on the mat. Take a few deep breaths in the meantime, and then return to your regular shape. This posture helps to rest and relax the extended muscles, preventing any sudden snaps.

Things to Remember While Performing Adho Mukha Svanasana

While performing the downward facing dog pose, there are some of the key alignments and tips that you should follow for effective outcomes. We have briefly described them for you here. 

  • Never lock your joints- As a beginner, this is one of the most common errors that lead to unnecessary aches and cramps. This can also cause serious problems in your joints. To avoid severe swelling or sprain, make sure to maintain a slight bend, and you will be fine. 
  • Feet placement is vital- This might seem like a minor issue, but you will be surprised to find out its serious consequences. Placement of feet at the right angle is highly essential. Ensure that you place your feet flat on the ground. This way, your hamstrings will be engaged, and you will be able to perform quads more effectively. 
  • Be steady to hold the pose- As a beginner, sometimes you find it hard to hold your pose steady for a long time. If your arms wobble, then you can engage the strength of your core muscles. If your core is yet to become steady, you can try out the plank posture initially and then bring about modifications.

Include Downward Facing Dog Pose In Everyday Life 

If you are trying out yoga or a downward facing dog pose for the first time and are not sure about how regular you can be with the sessions, we have some quick hacks and tips to your rescue. 

  • Routine building- Just like you wake up and brush your teeth, get breakfast or enjoy a bedtime tea, consider the downward facing dog pose as a part of a regular habit. This way, you don’t need to convince yourself every day to set aside time for the pose. 
  • Space is not a constraint- If you are not a regular yoga person and do not have ample space in the house, this is one such pose where you don’t need an entire room. Lay down a small mat, and it’s enough for the posture.
  • Be patient and persistent- The real trick lies in being persistent and patient. You cannot expect the posture to work magic and yield benefits to you in the first few sessions. Have faith, give your best, and be regular so that you can see the positive outcomes of your yoga session.

Modifications of Downward Facing Dog Pose with props 

If it is your initial days and you don’t feel strong and steady yet, take the help of props to attain the right posture of Adho Mukha Svanasana. 

  • Standing against a wall– You can use a table, wall or chair for support. Now bend your body halfway from your hips. Place your body at a 90-degree angle with the wall once bent. Hold this pose for 15 minutes to relax the muscles. 
  • Bending elbows and knees- You can prevent overstretching or aches in the elbows and knees by bending your knees and elbows. This aids in easing the tension. It’s vital to be mindful of the state of your body so you don’t end up with detrimental side effects. 
  • Use a yoga block– You can avoid pain in your hamstrings and back with the usage of yoga blocks. This way, you wouldn’t overextend your pose. Place the block under your palm, which will elevate you from the ground and reduce the overall tension.


Boston University study Published about why Practicing yoga, like the downward facing dog pose, helps keep your body fit, although it might get challenging to keep yourself motivated to be regular initially. This yoga pose helps to stretch your muscles, create tension around the joints and then relax to keep them supple and flexible. Although the effects are slow and gradual, it is certainly major and impactful.

The benefits of the downward facing dog pose are diverse, such as enhancing core strength, acquiring a proper body posture, relaxing stress, and aiding in blood circulation. Begin today to notice the difference.

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