Benefits Of Online Prenatal Yoga
Benefits Of Online Prenatal Yoga

Benefits Of Online Prenatal Yoga

Today, everyone prefers to have a fast and forward lifestyle. However, we need to remember that with lifestyle, what matters the most is our health and wellbeing. To stay ahead of the competition, we should prioritise our health. This is equally important for pregnant women, too.

Regular Yoga is not advisable for you if you are pregnant. There are various exercises and body movements you won’t be comfortable performing in your pregnancy. This is where prenatal yoga comes into play for pregnant women like you.

Immerse yourself in the world of online prenatal Yoga and adopt a holistic approach to your life. Your pregnancy journey matters, and so does your well-being. Read the blog to learn the benefits of online prenatal Yoga with FlexifyMe.

Essence of Prenatal Yoga 

Rooting in the traditional system of physical knowledge, prenatal yoga has become a fundamental concept over time. It is well known for promoting both your physical and emotional well-being as a to-be mother.

It is a multifaceted approach that guides you with exercises encouraging your emotional centring, stretching, and focused breathing.

What You Should Expect in Your Online Prenatal Yoga? 

Your typical daily schedule for online prenatal Yoga would look like – 


Everything starts first with breathing exercises. You will be asked and encouraged to focus on deep breathing. 

Gentle Stretching 

Next, you will be asked and encouraged to do gentle stretching of different areas of your body. 


During the session, you must move your body in different positions while sitting, standing, or lying down. 

Cool Down and Relaxation 

Towards the end of your online prenatal yoga session, you will relax your muscles to restore your resting heart rate and breathing.

Becoming a mother soon? Ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy with FlexifyMe by your side. Get in touch with yoga experts with years of experience and have an invigorating journey throughout the three trimesters. Book a free consultation right away!

Benefits of Online Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga Benefits


Here are nine benefits of online prenatal Yoga for you:

Say Bye to Your Stress

Prenatal Yoga Benefits 1.It lowers your stress levels

Do you want to experience a life with reduced stress? Online prenatal Yoga is the way for you. Your baby feels everything that you think of yourself. Take your mat and sit in your favorite, excellent spot for your online yoga class. The postures will help you ease down your stress, anxiety, and tension likely to be accumulated throughout your pregnancy phase.

Connect with Your Baby

Prenatal Yoga Benefits 2. Connect with your baby

You are already connected to your baby physically. But do you know your baby can sense your emotional vibrations, too? Guided online prenatal yoga sessions help you connect with your growing baby emotionally and spiritually. Daily yoga is the time you set aside to tune in with your baby’s frequency. Every breath you take yourself is every breath you share with them. And there is plenty of time to communicate freely with your baby in ways that bring sense to you.

Improves Blood Circulation 

The benefit of online prenatal Yoga is the combined benefit of breath and physical movements. The combination provides a perfect improvisation to your circulation and work by reducing your swelling. Swellings in pregnancy are pretty inevitable side effects seen in the majority of women. Sticking to online Yoga during your prenatal phase is a perfect step.

Preparation for Labour

Prenatal Yoga Benefits 4. Prepare for the intensity of labor

The essence of any yogic practice is making you conscious about your breathing patterns. It teaches you how to breathe mindfully and what intensity you should follow. Practising calm breathing exercises with different body postures is excellent for breathing to the required intensity and frequency to sustain your labour pains. It is the way that guides you and encourages you to be comfortable with the discomfort. You can use Balasana (child pose) or Malasana (Squat) during labour to push your baby out efficiently with gravity.

Like Supports Like 

Are you familiar with the concept of like-minded individuals supporting each other? It is a very comforting and pleasing experience to connect with other pregnant women and share your experiences with each other. That is how one mother educates and grooms others in our community. It is your safe space to connect, complain, rant, congratulate, and support each other.

Helps Change Your Diet Intake 

One of the key benefits of an online prenatal yoga experience with Flexify Me is that you get a guided dietary recommendation. We know this is the most crucial stage of your life and good and healthy prenatal nutrition is your support system for a healthy pregnancy journey. Flexify Me’s online programs connect you with a dedicated professional nutritionist to recommend the proper diet for your pregnancy. A few of the items should already be in your kitchen. It is just that you are likely not aware of it. Your nutritionist recommends a few nutritional supplements, and you are already on a healthy regime.


Relieve Your Tension and Discomfort

With your baby’s growth in your womb, you feel more pressure on your chest, upper back, and shoulders. Several postures in yoga help you improve flexibility and pain relief around these body parts. Our trainer will first ask you what is happening in your body to understand your requirements and expectations better. This helps them know where to redirect their focus to address the pain and stress around those body parts.

Staying Physically and Emotionally Active 

Pregnancy is a joyous journey and should be enjoyed on the way. You do not need to feel broken or ill with your pregnancy. Neither is it a phase to remain stagnant in one place. Movements help you keep your body flexible and help your baby grow properly. It helps you maintain your body’s balance and release all forms of toxins and tension. It is one of the most precious moments of your life to treasure. So, it makes sense to keep your body healthy, fit, and pleasing to enjoy it fully.

Tune in With Your Body’s Desire

Prenatal Yoga Benefits 8. Stay active and in shape

Your body undergoes routine changes throughout the phase of your pregnancy. It is valuable to set some time aside from your routine to keep yourself quiet with your thoughts. There’s nothing better than an online prenatal yoga session to do it correctly. Yoga nurtures your body with the proper physical, emotional, and spiritual nutrients. You need to take care of yourself as you are growing a baby within your womb. You deserve to be looked after, nurtured, and cared for, too!

Trimester Wise Prenatal Yoga Poses

First Trimester 

Maintain your routine physical activity, focus on building your strength and relieve your stress and anxiety. Avoid intense stretches, muscular contractions, jumping, bouncing, or hot yoga. 

Poses for First Trimester

The following poses are recommended for your first trimester –

Janu Sirasana or Head-to-Knee Forward Bend 

This pose works on strengthening your back muscles and stimulates your digestion. It helps you to stay relaxed. 

Upavistha Konasana or Wide-angled Seated Forward Bend 

This pose helps improve the flexibility of your hips, lower back and legs. 

Marjaryasana/Bitilasana or Cat-cow Pose –

This Cat cow pose helps relieve your tension, improving the mobility of your spine and boosting your circulation.

Second Trimester 

In the second trimester, your body raises its relaxing hormone production to relax muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It would help if you continued avoiding the flagged movements in your first trimester. Additionally, you should avoid lying on your back or right side. It will also help you to induce a better sleep. 

Poses for Second Trimester 

The following poses are recommended for your second trimester:

Baddha Konasana or the Bound Angle Pose 

This pose improves blood circulation, stimulates digestion, and promotes relaxation. 

Balasana or Child’s Pose 

This Balasana pose is meant to stretch the muscles of your shoulders, lower back, and chest zone. It provides flexibility to your hips, spines, and thighs. 

Trikonasana or Triangle Pose 

This pose helps boost your overall energy, significantly reducing the tension over your neck and back region. 

Uttasana or Standing Forward Back Pose 

This pose relieves all your stress and tension. It promotes inner calmness.

Third Trimester 

Your baby will now start occupying more of your womb space. You may face difficulty in breathing and moving. In addition to the movements flagged in the first two trimesters, you should avoid arm balances and squats. 

Poses for Third Trimester 

The following posses are recommended for your third trimester – 

Virabhadrasana II or the Warrior II Pose 

Improves your blood circulation, strengthens your body, and opens your hips. Experimenting with your centre of gravity is a good pain relief pose. 

Malasana or Garland Pose 

This is a deep squat pose for boosting your digestion. 

Sukhasana or Easy Pose 

This classic pose helps you lengthen your spine. It also works well to open up your hips and induce mental clarity. 

Parsva Savasana 

This is a restorative pose, which benefits fatigue and induces relaxation. 

Prenatal Yoga is not just an exercise but a journey for strengthening the bond with the baby. It helps improve your overall flexibility and prepare you for childbirth. The benefits of online prenatal Yoga are enormous, as it provides gradual relief from your back pain and swollen ankles.

Performed during the prenatal stage of your pregnancy, this Yoga involves a lot of stretches, breathing exercises, and strengthening moves. They are a win-win situation for you as an individual and prepare you for your labour.


Do not allow the external world’s pressure and hectic pace to disrupt your well-being and the baby growing within. It makes the life of a pregnant woman complex throughout their pregnancy. The end result of which is losing the momentum and comfort of the most joyous phase of your life. Hope this blog on the benefits of online prenatal yoga delves into a practical and magical solution in your life to keep your and your growing baby’s body fit. As devoted companions, FlexifyMe would be there throughout your pregnancy phase to guide you through the correct movements and nutritional diet to care for yourself and your baby’s health and well-being.

Commonly Asked Questions for Prenatal Yoga

When practiced under the guidance of a certified prenatal yoga instructor, online prenatal yoga is generally safe and beneficial for most pregnant women. However, it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise program during pregnancy, especially if you have any existing health concerns. At FlexifyMe, all online classes are led by instructors who are not only certified in yoga but also specifically trained in prenatal practices, ensuring safety and effectiveness. It's important to listen to your body and modify poses as needed.

The best time to start prenatal yoga is in the second trimester, after 14 weeks. However, exercises should be started only after consulting your doctor.

Usually, one can start prenatal yoga in the second trimester, after the 4th month, and continue till they feel comfortable. However, please consult your doctor first before you begin..

You can do light yoga exercises during pregnancy, but avoid pressure on the abdomen and rigorous asanas. Also, avoid it if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Yes, prenatal yoga can be done at home through online platforms such as Flexify Me. You can also have a yoga instructor come home and teach you.

Hatha is a slower form of yoga ideal for practising during pregnancy. But, you should always perform yoga or any exercise under guidance.

Yes, it is worth it, as prenatal yoga reduces the chances of complications in pregnancy. Also, the gentle exercises in prenatal yoga increase blood supply through the body.

In pregnancy one has to be very careful while doing exercise. Try to do gentle stretches. Any time you feel uncomfortable doing the exercises, Please also avoid heavy exercises.

You can start prenatal yoga sessions at the beginning of the second trimester or whenever the morning sickness subsides. For the best results, always perform yogasana under the supervision of an expert. 

The bow pose is not recommended during pregnancy, as it can put pressure on the stomach. Avoid any exercise that is strenuous. 

Absolutely, it is safe to do prenatal yoga by taking live lessons online. You can do the stretches comfortably, at your own pace, and get suggestions from experts right away.

The total time that you should dedicate to prenatal yoga will vary as per your condition. However, the session usually lasts for not more than 30- 60 minutes as you need your body to relax.

For those with high-risk pregnancies, it's essential to consult with healthcare providers before starting any exercise program, including online prenatal yoga. FlexifyMe's instructors can offer modified practices and personalized guidance, but medical advice should always be the primary consideration. In some cases, specific yoga practices can be adapted to accommodate the unique needs of a high-risk pregnancy, but this should always be done under medical guidance and with specialized instructor knowledge.

FlexifyMe offers specialized online prenatal yoga programs that specifically focus on preparing for labor and delivery. These programs include exercises and techniques aimed at strengthening the muscles used during childbirth, improving flexibility, and teaching breathing methods to help manage pain and stress during labor. Such preparation is invaluable, as it not only aids in physical readiness for childbirth but also helps in mental and emotional preparation, making the labor and delivery experience more manageable and positive.


  1. Sathya k

    I am looking for prenatal yoga classes

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