Weight Loss Yoga: What to Expect and How Long Does it Take?

Do meal skipping, trendy diets, and giving up favourite foods sound familiar to you? Is the goal of most of this to get rid of your protruding love handles or extra abdominal fat? We’ll tell you a secret: none of this is required for you! Yoga is actually one of the healthiest methods of weight loss you can try out. 

It is a consistent method to increase metabolism, tone and strengthen your muscles, and burn those additional calories. What we frequently overlook is that maintaining or reducing weight greatly depends on developing a mindful eating habit. And what better approach to cultivate mindfulness than by doing yoga?

What does research say about weight loss yoga?

Yoga burns calories, increases awareness, and lowers stress, making it a promising tool for behavioural change, weight reduction, and maintenance, according to a 2013 assessment of studies. These elements may help you to minimise food consumption and become aware of the repercussions of overeating.

According to other studies, yoga may provide a variety of psychological, physiological, and social benefits that could make it an effective weight-loss strategy that lasts. The weight loss yoga practitioners noted a move toward healthier, more attentive eating as well as less stress eating, less appetite, and fewer cravings. Yoga led to physical and psychological improvements that assisted weight loss accompanied by enhanced muscle tone, improved metabolism, minimise anxiety, as well as improved mood, and higher self-acceptance and confidence.

How does yoga help in weight loss?

Like many people do you also have the query “Can I lose weight just by doing yoga?” The answer is yes! Here is how practising yoga can help you attain your objective of losing weight by balancing your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. 

  • Develop Mindful Eating: By doing yoga, you can improve your awareness of your body’s signals of hunger and fullness, which will help you choose nutritious foods and avoid overindulging. 
  • Increasing Metabolism: Intense postures and constant movement are features of dynamic and difficult yoga forms like Vinyasa Flow and Power Yoga, which can increase heart rate and speed up metabolism.
  • Stress reduction: Yoga provides effective methods for reducing stress and encouraging relaxation. Regular yoga asana practice, pranayama breathing techniques, and meditation help lower the body’s levels of stress hormones like cortisol.
  • Increasing Flexibility and Strength: Yoga is a great method to increase the general flexibility and strength of your body. Different positions work in different muscular areas, which aids in conditioning and toning.
  • Hormone Balancing: Unbalanced hormones can frequently impede attempts to lose weight. By regulating the neurological system and stimulating the endocrine system, yoga aids in the restoration of hormonal equilibrium. 
  • Mind-Body Consciousness: Regular yoga practice helps you build a keen sense of awareness of your body and comprehension of the messages your body sends forth. It also provides a strong link between your mind and body.

Make your weight loss journey hassle-free with FlexifyMe! Get personalised recommendations from our yoga experts, physiotherapists and dieticians to see visible results in no time! Book a free demo now!

Weight Loss Yoga Poses for Beginners

Yoga can enhance weight loss, but it takes time and consistency. Practice weight loss yoga for a minimum of 30 minutes on a daily basis to achieve visible results. 

But what are the weight loss yoga poses that we can practise every day? Let us explore some effective weight loss yoga poses that can optimise your weight loss journey.

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

This position increases flexibility in the lower back and strengthens the entire shoulder and upper back region. It works by stretching the muscles in the abdomen, which helps burn fat around the stomach. It aids in the burning of excess fat in the hips, thighs, and lower abdomen. Follow this step-wise guide to do this pose. 

1. Spread your whole body out on the mat, lying face down. Bring your legs to a hip-width gap by firmly pressing your legs and the toes of your feet into the yoga mat.

2. As you get ready to raise your head and upper body, place your hands, palms down, just below your shoulder blades.

3. Lift your upper body and start in a low cobra position by applying pressure with your hands.

4. Once you’re comfortable and stable in the low cobra, start to gently press into the hands even more. Then, use your abdominal and back muscles to lift yourself up into a more profound backbend as high as possible. You can writhe and undulate like a serpent in this stance; you are not required to stay still.

5. Maintain a neutral glance that is slightly upward-facing. To guarantee appropriate spinal alignment, make sure that the rear of your neck is long. You may hold this position for a number of breaths while still preserving the integrity of your spine.

6. Gently descend. Exhale and then descend gradually to the ground.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) 

There are numerous advantages to this position. It strengthens you, enhances digestion, and speeds up metabolism to amplify weight loss. It tones your abs, legs, and buttocks while strengthening your muscles.

Here is the guide to performing this pose.

1. Take a deep breath out, raise your legs, and raise your spine off the ground using your arms and hands.

2. Roll on your back, concentrating on your shoulders and upper back, while swinging your legs over your head and curving your hips.

3. Breathe inward toward your belly while keeping your neck and face relaxed.

4. Bring your legs to the floor, arch your back, and plant your feet on the ground to get out.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Plank pose)

Although this position is challenging, it is one of the fast weight loss yoga poses you should try. It is a great way to strengthen your wrists, lower back, arms and abs. It improves your standing posture, which results in a stronger, more toned physique. If done frequently and for a longer period of time while holding the plank pose, it helps reduce belly fat and develop abs. The plank position primarily tones and burns fat in your shoulders, core, and upper body. 

To perform this yoga pose, follow these steps.

1. Start with your toes and forearms on the floor and assume the plank posture, face down. Your forearms should be pointing toward the front. With that, your elbows should be beneath the shoulders. You should focus your gaze towards the ground while relaxing your head.

 2. Pull your navel toward the spine with the help of the muscles in your abdomen. Make sure your torso is upright and firm. Plus, ensure a straight body from top to bottom without bending. Furthermore, make sure that your shoulders face downward without tucking toward the ears. The rounded ends of your feet must be underneath your heels.

3. Keep your posture for ten seconds.

Veera bhadrasana (Warrior pose)

Veerabhadrasana is effective in strengthening the lungs and back muscles. Alongside, it tones the masses around your tummy,  thighs, and hips. 

Here is the guide to doing this pose efficiently.

1. Place your hands on your hips and roll your outer left and outer right hips forward and backward until your hips are in line with the front border of the mat. Maintain a level shoulder stance with your upper body approaching the front border of the mat.

2. Your right thigh and knee should be bent so they are aligned to the floor. Maintain your weight on your big toe and front heel.

3. Lift and press the rear foot from the internal arch. Your back leg serves as your anchor, so keep it engaged.

4. Lengthen your spine, relax the base of your neck, and pull your lower abdomen in and up softly.

5. Spread your collarbones and raise your arms above your head to expose your chest.

6. Expand the space between your shoulder blades, elevating your shoulder blade bases forward and inward toward your spine. 

7. To straighten your arms, firmly contract your triceps.

8. Lift your breastbone while maintaining your lower ribs in place if your neck permits it.

9. For five to fifteen breaths, hold this pose, softening your face and sensing the strength that comes from your base.

Naukasana (Boat pose)

This seated yoga pose strengthens the muscles in the abdomen, enhances blood circulation, assists in decreasing belly fat, and balances the functions of the liver, pancreas, and lungs. To perform this yoga pose, follow these steps.

1. With your feet firm on the floor and your knees bent, take a seat on your mat.

2. To ensure that your tailbone folds under without touching the ground, lean back and slightly roll your lower back. Raise your legs off the ground with this leverage, using your buttocks to assist you stay balanced. To help maintain your form, you can also put your hands underneath the outer edges of your knees.

3. Stretch your legs outward and slowly raise them into the air while maintaining your sit-bones balance. Additionally, flatten your back and raise your sternum toward the ceiling. Your sitting bones should be the point closest to contact with the earth when your body forms a 45-degree angle. With your hands on the exterior of your knees and your arms parallel to the floor, extend your shoulder blades widely.

4. Maintain a steady breathing pattern and focus on your major toes. You can spend up to a minute in this stance.

How Long Does it Take to Lose Weight with Yoga

Many weight loss yoga enthusiasts have tried to deduce the answer to “How much weight can I lose in a month with yoga”. However, the answer is not straightforward. A lot of underlying factors like your bodily metabolism, diet, and other lifestyle elements determine the periods.

For considerable weight loss in a healthy way with weight loss yoga as a prime way, you can see effective transformation within 3 to 4 months. With time, you can gradually elevate the duration and difficulty of yoga poses to witness an amazing transformation.

Final Thoughts

These are a few weight loss yoga positions that are going to assist you to lose weight and tone up. But keep in mind that if you’re wanting to lose weight, yoga is just one component of a long journey. For rapid and desirable outcomes, you must maintain a balanced diet in addition to engaging in moderate exercise.

Yoga is best practised in the early morning. It will help you release the tension and weight that comes with multitasking and living a fast-paced life throughout the day. Doing weight loss yoga first thing in the morning can help you feel more nimble and flexible than you would otherwise be, and it will quickly become a vital part of your everyday routine.

Commonly Asked Questions for weight loss yoga

You can have a nutritious snack after yoga. It could be scrambled eggs and toast or a smoothie with nuts and fruits. Vegetable salad with soup also makes a good meal after a yoga session.  

Yoga works on the mind and body. People who practise yoga develop a better sense of when they are hungry, tired, or feeling full. Also, yoga may help increase one’s metabolic rate, which leads to burning more calories.

Consistency is key when it comes to yoga and weight loss. Aim for 3-4 yoga sessions per week, targeting at least 30 to 60 minutes each. However, individual needs vary, so listen to your body and adjust your practice accordingly. Shorter, daily practices can be effective, and remember to take rest days for optimal recovery.

Here's a breakdown based on your experience level:

  • Beginners: Start with 2-3 shorter sessions (20-30 minutes) per week, focusing on gentle styles like Hatha or Yin Yoga. Build your foundation gradually before increasing frequency or intensity.
  • Intermediate: Aim for 3-4 sessions per week (30-45 minutes), exploring diverse styles like Vinyasa or Power Yoga for more calorie burn.
  • Advanced: You can practice 4-5 times per week (45-60 minutes), incorporating higher-intensity styles or challenging sequences.

Platforms like Flexifyme offer a wide range of classes for different levels and time commitments, making it easy to find the perfect practice for your needs. Remember, it's about building a sustainable habit, so choose a frequency that fits your lifestyle and motivates you to stay consistent.

The first step is to find a good instructor. Flexify Me has qualified, trained yoga instructors on the platform who can guide you and create a weight loss plan. The classes can be scheduled as per your convenient time slots.

Morning yoga practice is ideal to achieve maximum benefits. Practise 3-5 times a week for results. 

Weight loss yoga can be done at home or through online platforms such as Flexify Me. Or, you can have a yoga instructor come home and teach you. Along with the asanas, the yoga teacher will also guide you on diet tips for weight loss

For a comprehensive yogic solution for weight loss, you can put your trust in Flexify Me. It’s a one-of-a-kind application that connects you to various yoga experts to get a customised yoga regime for weight loss.

Yes, you can definitely lose weight with yoga. The yoga asanas are specific for each part of the body. Regular practice under the guidance of a yoga trainer will help with weight loss. Yoga also helps tone the body and develop firmness, so overall, the person develops agility and does not appear overweight.

Ashtanga, vinyasa, and hatha yoga help with weight loss. Power yoga can be quite effective, too, but only under strict guidance.

Indeed, even 30 minutes a day of yoga can be beneficial. What is important is to be regular and practise at least 4-5 times a week, if not more.

Yes, yoga can help reduce fat. Consult the yoga trainers on Flexifyme, who can suggest specific exercises to help reduce belly fat. Diet and portion control also has to be practised for better results.

There are specific yoga poses, such as warrior pose, cobra pose, chair pose, etc., that directly target the belly. However, they should only be guided by an expert yoga practitioner, and losing a tummy depends on the uniformity of practice and bodily metabolism.

Although weight loss depends on a person’s age, lifestyle, and diet, it has been found that regular yoga practice and a healthy diet can help lose up to 3-4 pounds of weight in 3 months.

  • Mountain pose (Tadasana): This seemingly simple pose strengthens your core and improves posture, a foundation for weight-loss efforts.
  • Downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This full-body workout strengthens your arms, core, and legs, boosting metabolism.
  • Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana): Similar to downward-facing dog, plank engages core and upper body muscles, promoting strength and fat burning.
  • Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): This standing pose opens hips, strengthens legs, and improves balance, contributing to weight management.
  • Cobra (Bhujangasana): This gentle back-bending pose strengthens back and shoulders, promoting flexibility and improved posture.

Remember, listen to your body and modify poses as needed: Focus on proper form and breath awareness rather than pushing yourself beyond your limits.

Power yoga helps burn calories, and it is like doing a cardio session. Like any other yoga style, you can easily do it at home. The only things required are a yoga mat and a device. Connect with a good yoga instructor through apps like Flexifyme, and you will be on your weight loss journey.

Regular practice of Vinyasa yoga helps with high-calorie burns and muscle building. This effectively leads to weight loss.

Modifying poses is crucial for safe and effective weight loss with yoga. Here are some tips:

  • Use props: Blocks, straps, and bolsters can support your body and allow you to access the full benefits of the pose without strain.
  • Listen to your body: Don't push yourself beyond your comfort zone. If a pose feels uncomfortable, modify it or take a break.
  • Focus on alignment: Proper alignment ensures you're targeting the right muscles and maximizing the pose's benefits for weight loss.
  • Seek guidance: Platforms like Flexifyme offer classes with modifications demonstrated by experienced instructors. You can also consult a certified yoga teacher for personalized modifications.

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