Cobra pose is a yoga pose that mostly focuses on backbends. Also known as Bhujangasana in Sanskrit, it is derived from the word “bhujanga,” which means cobra, and asana, which means posture. Having a revered place in yoga, this prominent pose is a part of the classic Surya namaskar or sun salutation. It provides a conscious opening in the chest and a pull to the shoulders, relieving the lower back and fighting fatigue by boosting mental and physical energy. The cobra pose is typically practised as a warm-up pose before intensive backbend poses but has risen as a powerful tool for both psychological and physical well-being.
Benefits of Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana offers an impressive range of physical, mental and emotional benefits if practised regularly. This posture also helps tone your body and spine, improving liver and kidney function. So, let’s discover some amazing benefits of cobra pose.
Strengthens the Spine
With the backbend posture, the cobra pose is predominantly known for strengthening the spine. This pose works on the entire spinal cord by loosening the muscle around the vertebrae relieving the chronic back pain along with strengthening the spine, with regular practice.
Stretches Chest and Shoulders
This pose tends to open the chest and shoulder by lifting the chest and arching the back, which helps to stretch the upper body, including the neck, shoulder blades, and collarbone.
Improves Flexibility
One of the positive effects of yoga is it improves your flexibility immensely! The same does the cobra pose. With regular mindful practice, you can have a super flexible body that can resist injuries.
Relieves Stress and Anxiety
Cobra pose serves as a stress reliever. Along with physical boon, this pose also relieves stress and anxiety by releasing negative emotions and feelings.
Enhances Respiration
Like any yoga pose, the cobra pose enhances respiration, increasing lung capacity through the open chest pose and encouraging deep breathing, which helps to improve the oxygen levels in the blood.
Improves Posture
The cobra pose is specifically recommended for those with the wrong body posture issue. It specifically works on strengthening and increasing the flexibility of the spine, leading to a good body posture and eliminating the slouchy back caused by continuous hunching over devices like laptops or mobile.
Alleviates Sciatica
With regular practice of the cobra pose, one can get relief from sciatica pain, too! By strengthening and stretching the lower back muscles, this pose helps alleviate sciatica gradually.
How to Do the Cobra Pose
Cobra pose is a good exercise that even a beginner can try. It mostly deploys muscles of your upper body. Let’s see how to do the cobra pose in detail.
1. Firstly, relax your body and lie on your stomach with your legs stretched and hands flat on the floor with your elbow slightly bent.
2. Now, place your hands on the floor next to your ribs, under your shoulders.
3. Inhale and slowly lift your chest off the ground only to your navel, using the strength of your spine muscles.
4. Keep your elbows slightly bent and shoulders away from the ears.
5. Press your feet and thighs to the floor.
6. Hold there for a few breaths, trying to focus on your spine and chest opening.
7. Now, slowly exhale and come back to your stomach.
NOTE: While practising the cobra pose, make sure you do not force yourself into discomfort or any pain, and you must always listen to your body for a smooth practice.
Cobra Pose Benefit for Height
The Bhujangasana is believed to be one of the best poses for increasing height. This pose tones your stomach muscles, helping reduce your back strain and stretching of the spine. It further, helps maintain a correct posture and look taller. Additionally, the cobra pose stimulates the release of growth hormone, essential for an increase in height.
Cobra Pose Benefit for Belly Fat
The cobra pose is known as a great workout specifically for belly fat reduction, as it targets the abdominal region. Regularly practising this pose is not just good for belly fat, but it also tends to tone your stomach muscles, helping you get into shape.
Variations of Cobra Pose
If you are a beginner and hesitant about whether you can perform the pose seamlessly or have certain conditions that do not allow you to practise the pose with all the steps! Then don’t worry, you can still try the cobra pose, but with some variations, let’s see what they are.
Sphinx Pose
The Sphinx pose involves your neck and shoulder region, letting your lower back relax, unlike the cobra pose, which involves complete upper body stretching. This is nothing but an easier version of the cobra pose. Let’s learn the steps.
1. Lie down on your stomach with your legs straight.
2. Now, slowly lift your chest on your forearms and elbow directly under your shoulder.
3. Pressing through your forearms form a gentle bend on your upper back, keeping your shoulder relaxed.
4. Inhale and exhale throughout the steps.
5. Slowly come back to your stomach.
Baby Cobra Pose
The baby cobra pose, as the name suggests, is a cobra pose with less intensity, which can be great for beginners. This pose places less or no weight on your hands, unlike the cobra pose, where the complete weight is on your hands. Here are the steps.
1. Lie down on your stomach with your chin resting on the floor.
2. Place your hands underneath your shoulder with your elbow bent.
3. With minimal pressure on your arm, try to lift your chest off the floor.
4. Inhale and exhale while focusing on your back muscles.
5. Slowly come back to your stomach.
Cobra Pose in a Chair
The cobra pose in a chair is another modified form, which is curated considering the people have trouble getting on the floor. This pose can be a valuable addition for people who want to work out comfortably sitting on a chair. Let’s jump to the steps.
1. Select a sturdy chair, preferably without an armrest and back straight.
2. Sit comfortably with your hands on your lap.
3. Now slowly lift your chin, gazing at your ceiling up ahead while gently pressing your chest forward.
4. Inhale and exhale throughout.
5. Come back to the normal position.
Cobra Pose Against Wall
The Bhujangasan against the wall is another variation that one can practise smoothly. The wall can give the proper support, ensuring a proper alignment and allowing you to focus on the pose. It can be the best option for people with less flexibility or other similar issues. Here are the steps to follow.
1. Stand straight, facing a wall, with your feet away from the wall.
2. Bend your elbows, with your palm pressing firmly to the wall against your body.
3. Slowly lift your chin slightly, lengthening your neck and forming an arch.
4. Inhale and exhale slowly throughout the process.
5. Slowly come back to the normal position.
Ready to unlock the transformative power of Cobra Pose? Sign Up Today for online yoga classes with FlexifyMe and learn to perform this invigorating pose with precision and confidence.
Tips for Beginners Practising Cobra Pose
Every exercise comes with caution, regardless of its difficulty level, and so does this dynamic backbend cobra pose. Hence, it is inevitable to take certain measures while practising this pose, especially for beginners. Here are some tips for beginners.
Start Slowly
It is always good to begin with the basic version of the cobra pose before getting on to the advanced levels.
Warm Up
Warm up your body before you start performing the actual pose to prepare your body for the stretches and the backbends.
Avoid overarching
Always avoid overarching while you bend your back; be mindful and keep your pubic bone grounded to protect your lower spine.
Mindful breathing
Coordinating your movements carefully with breathing will help calm your mind and deepen the stretch.
Be Consistent
Consistency is key to success! Practising consistently will make you comfortable with poses and help you gain benefits like flexibility and strength.
Use Props
Get the help of props initially if you are unable to perform the steps directly. You can take the support of a chair, a wall or cushion or rolled blanket for a smooth practice.
Observe Your Body
Pay attention to how your body feels during each step and after each pose. Stop immediately on experiencing any discomfort or pain, then adjust your alignment and lessen the pressure while trying next time.
Things to Avoid while Performing Cobra Pose
Now, let’s know about the things to avoid while performing the cobra pose so that you can reap the complete benefits the pose has to offer.
Wrong Positioning
This is a common mistake that can be a hurdle towards your enjoyable yoga experience while performing the cobra pose. Hence, always make sure that you are practising all the postures correctly.
Wrong Lifting
While doing the cobra pose, there is a chance that you might lift your hips unconsciously, which is not the right way to perform. So, take care that you lift only the upper body and not the hips.
Locking Your Elbows
Some people tend to completely straighten their hands, as this can lead to blocked shoulders and locking their elbows. Meanwhile, in cobra pose, you just have to bend your arms to keep them relaxed.
Incorrect Leg Spacing
You have to ensure that your legs are at a correct distance, neither too close nor too far, to avoid unnecessary pressure on the other parts of your body while doing the cobra pose.
Take enough time to do each and every posture properly. Mindfully engage your muscles and move to another posture with awareness without hurrying to avoid any sprain or aches.
The cobra pose is the ultimate backbend yoga exercise that can shower you with a wealth of good health. yoga journal says Practicing this cobra pose regularly can also boost your growth hormone and reduce your belly fat. To get started, you can modify the steps with the help of props to avoid any accidents. From improving flexibility to providing strength, this pose offers many benefits. Hence, it is a complete package of holistic poses that boons you with good physical, mental and emotional health.