Flat Foot: Causes, Problems, and Treatment 

Flat Foot: Do you often wonder why your feet get tired easily while running or walking? You may be having flat feet, also known as flat feet. This is a condition where the feet may have little to no arch on the lower side. This implies that when you stand, the middle part of the feet presses into the ground, instead of the typical arch that you can see in the foot. 

Everyone has flat feet at birth. The arches form gradually as one grows, usually by the age of six. However, in some people, the arch may not develop, resulting in flat feet.  

For some, the arches may even ‘fall’ over a period of time.

So, why do some people have flat feet while others are born with regular arches in their feet? In this blog, we delve into the symptoms and causes of flat feet and the treatment for this condition.

Flat Foot Problems 

Children and many older adults with flat feet may not experience pain. But in case of any flat foot problems like the ones below, one should consult a doctor. 

  • Pain in the arch, ankle, heel, or outer part of the foot
  • Swelling in the ankles and the pain worsens with increased activity. 
  • Pain that keeps recurring
  • Feet may feel stiff and tight
  • The tendons and ligaments may stretch, tear, or even swell up due to the added pressure on them 
  • Pain in the lower back, calves muscles
  • Toe drift (front part of the foot and toes point outward).
  • Leg cramps

Flat Foot Causes

Flat Foot Causes


In children, the foot arch is missing, and it only develops with age. But in certain cases, the arches may not even develop, resulting in people having flat feet.

Sometimes, the foot arches may be high, while others have almost flat arches, causing flat feet. Let us review some flat foot causes: 

Injury Or An Acquired Flat Foot 

The arch of the foot is supported by the tendon called posterior tibial. As one ages and due to wear and tear, this tendon may get inflamed. The extended overuse can result in damage to the arch and cause flat feet in adults.


Due to obesity, there is excess weight created on the feet. This can also result in flattening of the foot arch. 

Muscle disease

Individuals with Cerebral palsy or spina bifida may have a low muscle tone. Also, they may have only a slight arch in the feet, due to which they may suffer from a flat foot.


As people age, the tendons and ligaments in the foot become weaker and the likelihood of developing flat feet become even more possible.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with flat feet and the chances of it occurring increases by 3-4 years after the beginning of the disease.


Some women may lose muscle tone during pregnancy, which can also cause flat feet. 

Tarsal coalition

This is a rare condition where bone in the back of the foot and the heel fuse together. This can lead to a flat foot.


Most children have flat feet at birth and the arch develops later. However, in some, the arch may not develop because flat feet could be present genetically.


If sugar levels are not firmly controlled, the bones in the feet may start wearing out. The arches may gradually disappear, resulting in a flat foot. This makes them prone to fractures. 

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Flat Feet Disadvantages

Flat Foot Disadvantages

It is normal to feel low and disadvantaged due to flat feet. But, there are some interventions available that help overcome the issue of flat foot and avoid any discomfort later. Here are some flat feet disadvantages that may be there.


Due to flat feet, there may be an over-strain, wherein the big toe pushes against the next toe. This causes pain and soreness.

Achilles Tendonitis

This occurs when the Achilles tendon is overworked, and it leads to Achilles tendonitis, where one can painful calf muscles

Posterior Tibial Tendonitis

Here there may be an injury of the posterior tibial tendon. This is at the back of the inner ankle. This can be extremely painful. 

Arthritis In The Ankle and Feet 

This can happen for several reasons. Sometimes, an injury in the ankle area or the presence of weak arches due to the flat feet strain- can cause


At times, when people wear shoes in a smaller size and already have flat feet, the toes may contract into an uncomfortable position. This can be painful and can distort the foot shape.

Inflammation of ligaments

Over use of a particular joint and the presence of flat feet, can cause more strain on the ligaments and cause injury. 

Shin splints

The person experiences a continuous dull pain in the lower leg area in front. This could be due to the stress on the lower leg, due to the extra pronation caused by the flat feet. These can be very uncomfortable and hinder everyday walking.

Flat Feet Treatment

The doctor would first check the issue behind the pain by doing an X-ray, CT scan, or ultrasound. Then, he may recommend some general treatments that can help relax and strengthen the foot and ankle areas. Here are some good suggestions for treating flat feet.


The doctor may advise to rest the feet as much as possible, apply cold packs, in order to lessen the pain. It is also advised to not stand for too long or walk for hours continuously. One should take breaks in between.

Manage The Weight

With flat feet, one has to be extremely careful about weight gain and eating healthy, as chances of internal injuries in the feet like- breaking of tendons, and muscles can occur.


A flat foot condition can be managed well with the guidance of a good physiotherapy. The latter can guide the patient on issues like poor posture and muscle tightness and suggest exercises to improve muscle strength. 

Food Orthotics

A good solution or aid, can be foot orthotics. These are devices that are made specially keeping the flat foot condition in mind. These help to reduce pain, balance the foot and the pressure. A podiatrist can help ascertain the best support for your foot.

Wear Correct Shoes 

This point gets ignored quite often. However, to avoid stress on the feet, one should wear well-fitted shoes so that there is pressure on the sides, tendons and foot muscles.

OTC Medicines 

In case of extreme pain, the doctor may advise the patient on some medicines to alleviate the inflammation.

Flat Foot Exercises

Flat feet can be managed with regular practice of a few exercises. If you are up for improving your condition with dedication, here’s a guide on the exercises you can try.

Heel Raises

  • Stand straight in front of the wall. 
  • Put your hands on the wall.
  • Go on tip-toe, holding your arms firmly, and count to 10.
  • Go back down and then repeat. Try this at a fast pace.

Towel Stretch

  • While seated on the mat, stretch the legs out straight.
  • Take a towel, put it around your feet, and pull the towel towards yourself.
  • Ensure the heel is on the ground.
  • Hold for ten counts. Repeat. 

Plantar Fascia Stretch

  • You should be seated on a chair for optimal results from this exercise. 
  • Take a small-sized ball, and roll it with your foot. Roll for about ten counts. 
  • Then repeat with the other leg. 

Calf Stretch

  • Stand facing a wall and put your hands on the wall. 
  • Both feet should be flat on the ground.
  • Take the left leg forward, and simultaneously, take the right one slightly back.
  • Bend the forward leg a little, pushing the wall with your hands. 
  • Feel the stretch on your calf or back leg.
  • Hold till 20 counts, then repeat with the other leg.

Flat Foot Arch Support

Arch support is extremely helpful in reducing the pain and discomfort caused by flat feet. 

The right arch support should be given to the plantar fascia so that the support does not shift or stretch too much and cause pain. These flat feet arch supports usually come in ¾ length arch supports.

Flat Foot Correction Insoles

Flat feet correction insoles are made for giving comfort to flat feet. These support the foot arch, so it feels aligned and the pain is alleviated. 


medlinepluss article says Flat feet are a common issue and may not be painful for everyone. However, it is better to take precautions to avoid a difficult situation with a flat foot. One should understand the symptoms and the implications of having a flat foot. One should also consult a doctor to understand the correction devices or support that can be taken for pain alleviation. Consulting a physiotherapy and learning exercises to strengthen the muscles and tendons in the foot area can be tremendously beneficial.

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