Disc Herniation Exercises

Disc herniation has become a common ailment nowadays. It is generally known as a slipped disc or ruptured disc. This condition affects various parts of the spine, including the neck, upper, middle or lower back region. In this condition, the jelly-like cushion between the vertebrae bulges out of its outer ring. This results in severe pain, numbness or weakness, especially when it presses the nerve.

The herniated disk is mostly caused by age-related wear and tear. Sometimes, it can also occur due to lifting some heavy object in the wrong manner, twisting or turning with heavy weights or some accidents or falls. The slipped disc pain can vary from person to person; some don’t have pain at all, whereas some might have mild to severe pain along with other symptoms.

The pain from a ruptured disc can be managed with a good combination of non-invasive treatments like disc herniation exercises and medication. In most cases, surgery is not needed. One of the most effective ways is through practising muscle-strengthening exercises. Hence, in this guide, we explore the best disc herniation exercises to help manage symptoms and support a long-term recovery.

What is Disc Herniation?

Disc Herniation

Disc herniation happens when the discs in the spine get damaged. The spinal discs have a soft jelly-like centre known as the nucleus. When a herniated disk occurs, the outer layer of the nucleus weakens resulting in the nucleus protruding out. This causes pressure on nearby nerves causing pain, tingling or weakness in the neck, lower back and legs.

Symptoms of Disc Herniation

Herniated disc symptoms can vary based on the individual. For some, there might be no symptoms at all while others might experience significant pain or discomfort. Here are some symptoms of a slipped disc.


One of the most common symptoms of disc herniation is pain in the affected area. One might experience local pain in the neck or lower back region. And in some cases, there might be a radiating pain that runs along the nerves. This pain might worsen with specific movements such as bending, sitting or twisting. The slipped disc might also cause sharp shooting pain that travels from the lower back to the hips to the legs, also known as sciatica.

Numbness or Tingling

One can also experience numbness or tingling sensation in the affected region like shoulders, arms, fingers, legs, or feet. Apart from that, some might feel a needling or pining sensation in the troubled spots.


As the nerves get compressed, it causes muscle weakness in the leg, shoulder, or arms. This can bring hurdles in performing normal activities like walking or maintaining balance. Neck herniation can affect your grip on objects.

Loss of Bladder Control

In some severe cases, a person may feel a loss of bladder control. This happens when a disc presses a large bundle of nerves in the lower spine.

Posture Changes

To avoid the pain, one might adopt an abnormal posture which might lead to further muscle imbalance or discomfort in the long run.

Disc Herniation Exercises

The slipped disc can be a debilitating condition, but most of the time it can be managed and recovered through exercises. Here are some commonly recommended disc herniation exercises that will help strengthen muscles, promote healing and reduce overall pain.

Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic tilts are among some of the most effective disc herniation exercises that strengthen the lower back and abdomen muscles and help reduce the pain. Here are the steps:

  • Lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet resting flat on the ground.
  • Gently press your spine against the floor by tightening your abs and tilting your pelvis upward.
  • Hold there for 5-10 seconds and relax.
  • You can repeat it 10-15 times.

Cow-cat Pose

Cow Pose

cat Pose

Cow-cat is one of the dynamic disc herniation exercises that engages the complete spine, from neck to lower back. It can reduce tension in the neck, back and shoulder while increasing flexibility and mobility. Let’s check the steps:

  • Start on your hands and knees forming a table.
  • Your wrists and knees must be under your shoulders and hips.
  • Now inhale deeply and arch your back downward.
  • Lift your head and tailbone towards the ceiling.
  • Then exhale and round your back, pulling your belly button towards the spine and tucking your chin to your chest.
  • You can repeat 5-10 times.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog

Bird dog is another disc herniation exercise that helps to improve balance and coordination. Let’s see the steps.

  • Come on your fours, forming a table top.
  • Now slowly extend your right hand forward and simultaneously extend your left leg backwards.
  • Try to hold for 10-15 seconds and come back to the starting position.
  • Now repeat the pose with an alternative hand and leg.
  • You can repeat the pose 10 times on each side.

Hamstring Stretch

Hamstring Stretch

If you are looking for some gentle disc herniation exercises, then hamstring exercise is the one for you. Here is how to do this:

  • Sit down with your one leg extended and the other knee bent.
  • If you are unable to sit on the floor you can sit on the chair.
  • You can wrap a strap or a towel around your extended foot and slowly try to pull it towards your chest.
  • You can hold there for 15-20 seconds and relax.
  • Now, switch the leg and repeat.

Bridge pose

Bridge pose

The bridge stretch focuses on the glutes, core muscles and lower back to support the vertebrae and reduce the pressure on the disc. Here are the steps for this disc herniation exercise:

  • Lie down on your back with your knees bent, your foot flat on the ground and your arms by your side.
  • Now slowly lift your hips off the floor by tightening your abdomen and squeezing your glutes.
  • Hold there for 10-15 seconds and come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat this for 5-10 times.

Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose

The cobra pose is a disc herniation exercise designed to gently extend the vertebrae, helping to relieve pressure from slipped discs. Take a look at the steps:

  • Lie down on your stomach with your elbow bent and palm on the floor.
  • Now slowly lift your torso off the ground by pressing your arms while keeping your lower body on the floor.
  • Hold on for 15 seconds and gently come back to the position.
  • You can repeat it 5-10 times.

Chin Tuck

Chin Tuck

Chin tuck is a simple disc herniation exercise that helps to strengthen upper back and neck muscles. Here are the steps:

  • You can sit or stand with your spine erect and shoulders relaxed.
  • Now, slowly bring your chin towards your chest making a double chin.
  • You will feel a stretch in your neck.
  • Hold it for 10 seconds and relax.
  • You can repeat it 10 times.

Knee to Chest

Knee to Chest

Among popular disc herniation exercises is the knee-to-chest. This stretch gently elongates the vertebrae, helps ease tension and alleviates pain. Let’s dive into the steps:

  • Lie down comfortably on your back with your knees bent and hip-width apart.
  • Now with the help of your hands, slowly pull your right knee in, while keeping the other foot on the floor.
  • Hold your knee for 10-20 seconds and gently lower your leg coming back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same step with the other leg.
  • You can do this 2-3 times with each leg.

These are some commonly recommended disc herniation exercises. For safety, you can consult a family physician or physiotherapist before performing them.

Exercises to Avoid during Disc Herniation

Exercises to Avoid during Disc Herniation

A slipped disc can be an excruciating condition. Thus, must be dealt with utmost care and caution. Though some exercises are beneficial to improve the condition, certain exercises need to be avoided. So let’s take a look at exercises to avoid during  disc herniation.  

Cumbersome Activities

Cumbersome activities like running, jumping, and athletic movements must be avoided. These activities tend to put a lot of stress on the spine, especially on the discs which can worsen the herniation and increase pain. Instead of these activities, one can go walking, cycling or swimming, which are low-intensity activities.

Heavy Weight Lifting

People with herniated discs must avoid heavy weight lifting, deadlifts or squats. These kinds of exercises can put significant strain on the lower back or can also lead to injury. Alternatively, you can go for lighter weight lifting that can support vertebrae without the risk of injury.  

Twisting Movements

Exercises that involve twisting actions can put a strain on the spine and can increase pressure on the herniated discs. These actions can irritate the nerves and can lead to pain or numbness. You can alternatively try exercises like cow-cat poses that are gentle on the spine.  


Sit-ups and exercises with sit-up movements are not recommended as they can exert the lumbar spine. Instead, you can perform exercises like bird dog, planks and pelvic tilts that do not put excessive pressure on the lower back.


Exercises that include overextending the spine like overhead backbend extension or severe backbends in yoga must not be performed by people suffering from herniated discs. As a substitute, you can do gentle back bend extensions.

High-intensity Abdominal Exercises

High-intensity abdominal exercises like abdominal roll-ups must be avoided. The abdominal movement exercises can force the spine to extend, and putting pressure on the intervertebral discs can worsen the symptoms.

High-Pressure Movements

High-pressure movement exercises like toe touches or forward bends are also not advised to practice. These movements can intensify the severity of the pain in a herniated disc. However, you can try doing gentle knee-to-chest, back extensions or pelvic tilts.

Sports Activities

Sports involving heavy physical activity must be restricted as they have the risk of falling or sudden jerks that can impact the spine, exacerbating the pain. Instead one can perform lighter activities like walking or gentle cycling.


Mayo Clinic also published article about Slipped discs or herniated discs can be draining and challenging. Symptoms like excruciating pain running along the spine, numbness, tingling sensation or weakness in the affected region make it difficult to lead a normal life. However, a careful approach with disc herniation exercises can help manage symptoms and improve overall healing. These exercises are targeted to strengthen muscles, support the spine, improve flexibility and reduce pain and pressure on the affected area.

Though disc herniation exercises bring relief to slipped discs, there are certain exercises to avoid during disc herniation. So, listen to your body and incorporate the beneficial exercises along with a healthy lifestyle and good posture. Also, remember with consistency and patience, one can achieve a healthy, pain-free and happy life.

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